Sabado, Oktubre 22, 2011

My Friends!!! :D


  Meet  Nicole De la Rosa, Gianen Cervales, Dymphna Rose Liu Chiang, Lei Kryzelle Mayo, Shane Garde and Cheska Martinez. They are my BEST FRIENDS. I am not really the kind of person whose motto is "stick to one"(I see you noticed). They have been my friends as far as I can remember. In times of sadness they have been my comfort and in times of happiness they are the source. We have gone through a lot of conflicts and misunderstandings but we always end up with each other. I noticed that only when Dymphna told me after recovering from a recent conflict.

     This is Gianen Maryse Cervales, for short Anen. She is one of my closest friends. We have been classmates since first year. She is very sports-minded. She's good in Badminton, Basketball, Swimming, Volleyball, Kickball, name it. Not to mention, she is also good in Math, yes, MATH a very hard subject. She is approachable and open-minded that's why I share a lot of things with her about school, friends, enemies, etc. 

     This is Dymphna Rose Liu Chiang. She is very responsible, kind, studious and smart. When it comes to her studies she is very serious but she always finds time to be with her friends. She is also sporty. She's good in badminton and swimming.
     Meet Nicole Nibshian De la Rosa, my cute and cuddly friend. She is  very supportive and caring. She comforts her friends when they are down. And when her friends achieve something, she is very proud for them. That's what I like best about Nicole. We have been classmates when we were first year but we separated in second year. Despite this fact, we are still close with each other because we are always together in the dorm.

     This is Lei Kryzelle Mayo, Leika for short. She is the cutest and youngest among us all. She is one of the jokers in the group. She is smart. She can cheer you up with her jokes and end up with an aching stomach. As she says it, she may be small but she is incredible. 

     She is Shane Jheremeah  Garde, the joker of the group. When I'm with her my stomach always hurts. She can make you laugh and roll on the floor with her jokes and acts. Aside from her fun side she always has the soft side. She shares her problems with me and I appreciate it very much knowing that she trusts me. When you also need a shoulder to cry on she is there for you. 

     This is Marie Francesca Martinez, Cheska for short. She is the quiet but smart one. She is responsible, understanding and caring. She also has a crazy side. She can make funny faces but still look pretty at the same time. When you need help and advises she is always ready to lend a hand.

Biyernes, Oktubre 21, 2011

All about MINNIE!!!

-His name is Lee Sung Min
-His birthday is New Year's Day
-He is anemic
-He does martial arts & taught himself nun chucks
-Sungmin is good at massages. He took classes.
-He wears a ring on his pinky finger. It is said he has worn this since he was a little kid.
-When asked to finish the sentence, “Super Junior is…” he replied, “a theme park”
-He says his cuteness is natural. If someone asks him to do aegyo he can’t do it.
-He loves the color pink
-He was going to change his wardrobe once but there was too much pink so he decided not to.
-He wants his noona fans to call him oppa if it would make them feel better
-Hes very precise when he cooks
-The other members of SJ think he’d be the best candidate for getting caught cheating on his gf
-When he gets bored, Sungmin opens the window of his van and shouts “We are Super Juni-OR!” to random people on the street.
-Sungmin get’s really, really, reaaaaaaaaaaally cute when he’s drunk so Heechul had to slap him to snap him out of it (THE GUYS WENT OUT FOR A DRINK). (SUKIRA)
-Sungmin is the “Pretty Boy” of Super Junior. (ALONGSIDE with Heechul.)
-He has a special charm, and knows how to use it.
-He loves wine.
-Sungmin loves to play different instruments.
credits to:

Sabado, Setyembre 24, 2011

All About Journalism Class

          "Strikto na siya.", our manangs would say. And because of that, I fear Journalism class. Before our class, I would panic. "Is there a quiz? What is it about? OMG!" I feel nervous every time we have our class. It regularly happens twice a week, since Monday and Wednesday are the only days that we have Journalism class.
          I would skim the newspaper or read it online and watch the news just to have a good score in our quiz. Back then, Journalism was just a requirement for me to pass. I never had an enthusiast for that subject. I feel pressured whenever Mr. Geraño would give a quiz, a seat work, or an assignment. I wish it was never Monday nor Wednesday.
          Before, I ignored the news unless it is very interesting. But now, I would read or watch the news more often. It started to become a habit instead of a requirement. I became more aware of the current events that are happening now. I was also starting to enjoy posting blogs. The quizzes that Mr. Geraño give us started to become more of a challenge instead of a pain in the head.
Without noticing, I begin to like Journalism class. I look forward to it every Monday and Wednesday. Every quiz was a challenge and the activities and games he prepares for us became fun and at the same time educational and informative. I was amazed that I still remember what he taught through those games and activities.
          Mr. Geraño has a different style of teaching. He knows how to make his lessons interesting so that students would learn easily. He is one of the best teachers we have today. I wish a lot of teachers would adopt his style.

All about Kyuhyun..........

1.His family consist of his parent and an older sister. His father is the Country's Revision/Review Association Chairman.

2.The whole family dotes on him a lot but is very strict towards his sister.

3.When he was 16/17 he joined the 'Buddy Star Contest' and he came in 3rd!

4. The other members, kangin, have told him before 'You should listen to your Hyung*!' when Kyuhyun is in the 'rebellious' mode

5.He admit that he will snore loudly and even drool when he sleeps!

6.He wanted to cook for his Hyungs but he added too much water and the taste became too bland and that is how the 'HanGeng Ramen' became famous!

7.Kyuhyun isn't good at cooking; when he tried to fried some ham even though Kangin reminded him, he added sesame oil instead of Cooking oil.

8.The maknae* said that children hang their socks at their bed fronts on Christmas Eve to wait for Santa's present but because he wanted a bigger present for himself, he hang His PANTS at the bed front instead.

9. Some of the game, GaemGyu* play are : 'Thousand Years', 'Starcraft', 'Diablo', 'Sudden Attack' and many more!

10. He especially loves gelato, and his favourite brand is Doublesice

11. He has a glib tongue which no one can beat! Even KangIn can't Handle him!

12.He is the Super Junior version of Kim Gura*

13. His motto is "Not listen to the others"

14. He says that when he sleeps, he snores really loudly and he’ll even drool!

15. Both of magnae from Super Junior (Kyuhyun) and 2PM (Chansung) are 1 of the heaviest drinker from each group.

16. Kyuhyun’s female partner in GAME is SNSD Sunny

17. One of Kyuhyun’s favorite song in Super Junior 4th Album is “Shake It Up”. He always sing that song in the car

18. At the same time, Kyuhyun said “Teuki hyung doesn’t like me” while he was crying to Ryeowook

19. When Kyuhyun just joined SJ, he has no bed of his own & only share with Sungmin

20.Kyuhyun keeps joking about it (bed issue) and saying he doesn’t have one because he’s the magnae

21. Among SJ-M member, Kyuhyun is the one who really bad for writing “Pinyin” (Chinese) [Same!><]

22. Kyuhyun’s first kiss was with his hoobae* in his 2nd year highschool

23. :Kyuhyun never called Ryeowook and Kibum by “Hyung

24. There are 10 hyungs and 2 chingus* for me in Super Junior

25. Kyuhyun felt very happy and lucky when he heard Super Junior’s “Disco Drive”. Since that, that became his favorite one

Hyung* means elder brother in Korea but but.. only younger brother call elder brother 'Hyung'

Maknae* means the youngest!Very Happy

GaemGyu* is the name of Kyuhyun Twitter account!Very Happy

Hoobae* means Junior

Chingu* means Friend/friends


Sabado, Setyembre 10, 2011

My Family

"The family is a haven in a heartless world."  ~Attributed to Christopher Lasch
My family has been my safe haven ever since. They support and love me for who I am. In times of trouble, they're my strength and in times of sadness, they can always be a shoulder to cry on. And for that I love them.

Meet my family
Philip Kurt Opinion
     Meet my brother, Kurt. He is a lovable and adorable little brother. He is 11 years old, a grade 5 student at  
Eucharistic King Academy, my previous school. he loves to play badminton and volleyball.
Philip Kyle Opinion
     He's my elder brother, Kyle. He is 17 years old. He is a first year college student, he took the course of Aeronautical Engineering at PhilSCA. He is a good big brother. He loves and plays football.
     They're my parents, Mr. Gilbert Opinion and Mrs. Marhila Opinion, but she prefers to be called by her nickname, Pinky. My mom is very supportive. She believes that I have the capacity to do things that I think is impossible for me. She motivates me to be the best I can be. My dad is very good in math(too bad, not one of us got that trait) and science, so he is the one who teaches and helps us in those subjects.My dad is also very supportive like my mom. They work together and  raise us to be good sons and daughters. 

Lunes, Agosto 1, 2011

Mandy Sellars: The woman with giant legs

Mandy Sellars was born February 20, 1975, in Lancashire, U.K. She was born with unusually large, malformed legs and feet. As she grew older her legs and feet continued to grow much more rapidly than the rest of her body and she experienced increasing mobility problems and at the age of 14 had an operation to reduce the weight of her legs. She was diagnosed with Proteus Syndrome in 2006.

Despite her disability, Mandy lives a very full life. She has earned a degree in psychology and trailing in counseling. She also spends time fundraising for the Proteus Syndrome Foundation.

Bizzare superstitious beliefs.

  • Seeing an ambulance is very unlucky unless you pinch your nose or hold your breath until you see a black or a brown dog.
  • Think of five or six names of boys or girls you might marry, As you twist the stem of an apple, recite the names until the stem comes off. You will marry the person whose name you were saying when the stem fell off.
  • To predict the sex of a baby: Suspend a wedding band held by a piece of thread over the palm of the pregnant girl. If the ring swings in an oval or circular motion the baby will be a girl. If the ring swings in a straight line the baby will be a boy.
  • Keep cats away from babies because they "suck the breath" of the child.