Sabado, Setyembre 24, 2011

All About Journalism Class

          "Strikto na siya.", our manangs would say. And because of that, I fear Journalism class. Before our class, I would panic. "Is there a quiz? What is it about? OMG!" I feel nervous every time we have our class. It regularly happens twice a week, since Monday and Wednesday are the only days that we have Journalism class.
          I would skim the newspaper or read it online and watch the news just to have a good score in our quiz. Back then, Journalism was just a requirement for me to pass. I never had an enthusiast for that subject. I feel pressured whenever Mr. Geraño would give a quiz, a seat work, or an assignment. I wish it was never Monday nor Wednesday.
          Before, I ignored the news unless it is very interesting. But now, I would read or watch the news more often. It started to become a habit instead of a requirement. I became more aware of the current events that are happening now. I was also starting to enjoy posting blogs. The quizzes that Mr. Geraño give us started to become more of a challenge instead of a pain in the head.
Without noticing, I begin to like Journalism class. I look forward to it every Monday and Wednesday. Every quiz was a challenge and the activities and games he prepares for us became fun and at the same time educational and informative. I was amazed that I still remember what he taught through those games and activities.
          Mr. Geraño has a different style of teaching. He knows how to make his lessons interesting so that students would learn easily. He is one of the best teachers we have today. I wish a lot of teachers would adopt his style.

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